Home Baking Biscuit lemon

Biscuit lemon

by admin

Step 1

Biscuit lemon. Step 1

To prepare a fragrant lemon biscuit in the oven, we will need the following ingredients: chicken eggs, granulated sugar, wheat flour, corn starch, lemons and yellow food dye (optional).

Step 2

Biscuit lemon. Step 2

First you need to prepare a baking dish. Perfectly — detachable (with a removable bottom). I do not have such a diameter, so I use a culinary ring, exposing 21 centimeters. I wrap the bottom with dietary foil, and put a circle of parchment paper on it. I install the structure on the bottom from a larger shape (you can put on a baking sheet). There is no need to lubricate the form inside the form. Along the way, we turn on the oven to warm up — 175 degrees, the upper and lower heating, without convection.

Step 3

Biscuit lemon. Step 3

To get the zest, we take a couple of fresh medium -sized lemons. I wash them and pour boiling water for a couple of minutes. Then we wipe the dry and with the help of a fine grater remove only the upper yellow layer. This is a grated lemon zest. Try not to affect the white layer, otherwise the biscuit can be bitter.

Step 4

Biscuit lemon. Step 4

We pour 150 grams of sugar into a dish in which we are going to whip eggs for biscuit dough. Add the grated zest of lemons — it turns out about a tablespoon with a large slide.

Step 5

Biscuit lemon. Step 5

Ripe a whisk or spoon/fork — so the zest will give more aroma.

Step 6

Biscuit lemon. Step 6

Now we put chicken eggs (5 pieces) to fragrant sugar. By the way, I advise you to always break eggs one at a time and in a separate bowl. Sometimes it happens that the egg can be spoiled, and getting it out of the entire volume will not work.

Step 7

Biscuit lemon. Step 7

Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer at an average speed of about 2-3 minutes. After that, add yellow food dye (if you need a rich color of the finished baking). Literally 5 drops of liquid was enough for me, and you adjust the amount on your own.

Step 8

Biscuit lemon. Step 8

We continue to whip the mixture at high speeds until the mass is several times increased in volume and become stable. In other words, a trace should remain from the corolla, and the relief should persist for 5-7 seconds. The time of whipping eggs depends on the power of your mixer. For example, my kitchen combine coped in 15 minutes.

Step 9

Biscuit lemon. Step 9

Mix 130 grams of wheat flour and 30 grams of corn starch. If you are not friends with biscuits or cook for the first time, for insurance you can additionally put a teaspoon of dough baking powder. By the way, for sifting, I highly recommend buying such a glass-Sito. He has been serving regularly for about 10 years and I am very pleased.

Step 10

Biscuit lemon. Step 10

For two or three gunshot, we sift a dry mixture to the eggs beaten with sugar. Gently, but quickly intervene it, trying to maintain the volume as much as possible and break all the flour lumps.

Step 11

Biscuit lemon. Step 11

The result is a air and fairly stable biscuit dough. You see, the trace of the shoulder blade should remain, and the dough does not flow.

Step 12

Biscuit lemon. Step 12

We have already prepared a baking dish in advance and the oven managed to warm up to 175 degrees. We shift the biscuit dough in the shape and put in the oven to the average level.

Step 13

Biscuit lemon. Step 13

We bake for about 30-35 minutes. Be sure to check the readiness with a wooden skewer/toothpick — it should get out of the dough completely dry, without sticking pieces. Let the finished lemon biscuit stand in shape for 5-10 minutes, then remove the foil (if you have the same design) and cut out the cake with a thin long blade, led along the walls of the ring.

Step 14

Biscuit lemon. Step 14

Let us completely cool. I have a special grille for this. Then the lemon biscuit looks at its lower side. After cooling, it can be eaten as an independent dessert for tea/coffee. If you prepare, for example, a cake, be sure to give baking for 4-5 hours (or nights). Just wrap it in a cling film so that it is not very dried.

Step 15

Biscuit lemon. Step 15

When a fragrant, delicate and magnificent lemon biscuit is departed, you can cut it across 3-4 cakes. Choose yourself and cream for home cake yourself. I would do and make an impregnation with lemon juice and cream with the addition of lemon zest. To make it directly lemon lemon … Lenochka, thank you very much for the order. Prepare for health and pleasant to you appetite, friends!


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