Home Drinks Kuraga compote

Kuraga compote

by admin

Step 1

Kuraga compote. Step 1

To prepare such home compote, we will need the following ingredients: drinking water, dried apricots and granulated sugar.

Step 2

Kuraga compote. Step 2

200 grams of dried apricots well under warm running water. We throw off on a sieve.

Step 3

Kuraga compote. Step 3

Pour 1.5 liters of water into the saucepan and immediately lay clean dried fruits.

Step 4

Kuraga compote. Step 4

Add two tablespoons (40 grams) of sugar. I put a little, and you can, at will, can sweeten the compote during cooking.

Step 5

Kuraga compote. Step 5

We put on medium heat and bring to a boil. Do not forget to stir so that the sugar does not stick to the bottom of the saucepan. After boiling, cook with a minimum heating for about 10 minutes. Turn off the plate and leave the compote to infuse until completely cool, although it can be drunk even in warm form. If instead of sugar you want to add natural honey, put it in a hot drink when it has already stopped boiling.

Step 6

Kuraga compote. Step 6

In literally 30-40 minutes, the kuraga will absorb water, swell, will become soft. In addition, it will give taste and aroma to the drink.

Step 7

Kuraga compote. Step 7

We pour into a jug (decanter, bottle, jar) and serve. I love Kuragi compote cold (right from the refrigerator). Kuraga can be served as a dessert — children like it.

Step 8

Kuraga compote. Step 8

Tasty, moderately sweet, fragrant homemade compote from dried apricots according to a simple recipe you will also like it. Prepare for health, friends, and pleasant to you appetite!


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