Home Baking Home white bread in a slow cooker

Home white bread in a slow cooker

by admin

Step 1

Home white bread in a slow cooker. Step 1

To prepare homemade white bread in a slow cooker, we will need the following ingredients: wheat flour, drinking water, vegetable oil without smell, sugar, salt and high -speed yeast.

Step 2

Home white bread in a slow cooker. Step 2

In volumetric dishes, we sift 400 grams of wheat flour.

Step 3

Home white bread in a slow cooker. Step 3

Add 1 tablespoon of sugar, as well as 1 teaspoon without a slide of salt and high yeast.

Step 4

Home white bread in a slow cooker. Step 4

Mix so that dry ingredients are evenly distributed throughout the volume. Pour 230 milliliters of slightly warm water.

Step 5

Home white bread in a slow cooker. Step 5

Mix so that the flour absorbs water. Next, add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and knead the yeast dough. Save to smoothness and elasticity. The yeast dough for homemade bread in the slow cooker should be soft and quite a bit to stick to the hands. If necessary, it is necessary to regulate the consistency of the dough (due to the addition of flour or water). We round it and let one hour stand in a warm place, covering the dishes with a towel or cling film.

Step 6

Home white bread in a slow cooker. Step 6

During fermentation, the bun will grow 2.5 times.

Step 7

Home white bread in a slow cooker. Step 7

Lubricate the multicooker bowl with a thin layer of vegetable oil and sprinkle with a minimum amount of wheat flour. To dose oil, I advise you to use a special spray gun.

Step 8

Home white bread in a slow cooker. Step 8

We multiply the dough, releasing air out of it, round and put in a bowl. Close the slow cooker and leave for lifting for one hour. I do not turn on the heating mode, as there is a chance to overheat the dough.

Step 9

Home white bread in a slow cooker. Step 9

This is how the workpiece looks after 60 minutes. We turn on the baking mode and cook homemade bread (with a closed lid, of course) 1 hour.

Step 10

Home white bread in a slow cooker. Step 10

It is clear that, unlike the wind bread, you will never get a rosy crust on top. In fact, the pastries are ready, but still I advise you to brown it.

Step 11

Home white bread in a slow cooker. Step 11

To do this, put the insert for steaming for steam and turn the bowl so that the bread is on this very insert.

Step 12

Home white bread in a slow cooker. Step 12

After that, we shift the loaf upside down, close the multicooker lid and cook on the baking program for another 20 minutes.

Step 13

Home white bread in a slow cooker. Step 13

Visually finished bread will not differ from above.

Step 14

Home white bread in a slow cooker. Step 14

But from below he will noticeably brut. Completely cool on the grill or insert and you can remove the sample.

Step 15

Home white bread in a slow cooker. Step 15

Home white bread, baked in a slow cooker, is very, very delicate, soft, with a thin crust. In our family, everyone likes such pastries: just with the first dishes or in the form of sandwiches. Prepare for health, friends, and pleasant to you appetite!


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