- Flour, 1 cup.
- Milk, 1.5 cups.
- Butter, 50 gr.
- Eggs
- Dry yeast, 1 tsp.
- Sugar, 2 tsp.
- Vegetable oil
- Salt
Gray milk to a temperature of about 40-45 ° C (I have 30 seconds in the microwave of 650 W) and dissolve the yeast in it:
Mix butter:
Pour it into milk, add salt, sugar, eggs, flour, knead thoroughly and leave at rest for twenty minutes.
Then we just bake pancakes. Put the frying pan on the fire, heat a little oil, pour the dough, wait for the order of a minute until the upper side dries:
We turn over, dope the second side:
We put it in the prepared container, lubricate with butter and go to the next pancake.
Bon appetit!