Home Baking Yeast pancakes in milk

Yeast pancakes in milk

by admin

Good afternoon

Well, with the coming!

Pancakes in our family are traditional. Every Saturday over the past couple of years, your humble servant begins the morning with the cooking of this very wonderful dish. You understand-during this time a huge number of recipes have been tried and some experience has been gained. Already we are, and Syak, but in the end we still return to the option on kefir. It is painfully fast and predictably successful, which, in general, is required by Saturday morning.

However, today I’ll talk about the recipe, which, along with kefir, occupies a strong place among the list of the elect, since it is very simple, does not require a long test approach, and the result meets all the requirements of our pancakes, family)).

Yeast pancakes in milk

Product set:

Yeast pancakes in milk

  • Flour, 1 cup.
  • Milk, 1.5 cups.
  • Butter, 50 gr.
  • Eggs
  • Dry yeast, 1 tsp.
  • Sugar, 2 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt

Gray milk to a temperature of about 40-45 ° C (I have 30 seconds in the microwave of 650 W) and dissolve the yeast in it:

Yeast pancakes in milk

Mix butter:

Yeast pancakes in milk

Pour it into milk, add salt, sugar, eggs, flour, knead thoroughly and leave at rest for twenty minutes.

Then we just bake pancakes. Put the frying pan on the fire, heat a little oil, pour the dough, wait for the order of a minute until the upper side dries:

Yeast pancakes in milk

We turn over, dope the second side:

Yeast pancakes in milk

We put it in the prepared container, lubricate with butter and go to the next pancake.

Yeast pancakes in milk

Bon appetit!


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