Home Drinks Black currant compote for the winter

Black currant compote for the winter

by admin

Step 1

Black currant compote for the winter. Step 1

To prepare this fragrant berry compote for the winter, we need the following ingredients: water, black currants and sugar.

Step 2

Black currant compote for the winter. Step 2

We wash 600 grams (net weight) of fresh black currant in cold water, removing garbage. If necessary, forth the berries and throw them to a sieve so that the glass is liquid.

Step 3

Black currant compote for the winter. Step 3

We lay black currants in clean and dry jars (they must first be sterilized, like new covers). Since I use liter (3 pieces), it turns out 200 grams of berries in each.

Step 4

Black currant compote for the winter. Step 4

In advance, we bring about 3 liters of drinking water to a boil. Pour the berries with steep boiling water in banks, not reaching the edge a little. We do not tightly twist the screw lids or cover with conventional ones that are turnkey.

Step 5

Black currant compote for the winter. Step 5

We leave the banks on the table for 10 minutes so that the berries are properly warmed up. If you close the compote from black currants in 3 liter jars, leave for 20 minutes. After that, you need to gently drain the infusion back into the pan, and cover the jars with berries with lids again.

Step 6

Black currant compote for the winter. Step 6

Pour 300 grams of sugar into a pan with a black -brown infusion. Put on medium fire and, stirring, let it boil. Cook for 1-2 minutes.

Step 7

Black currant compote for the winter. Step 7

We pour the berries with boiling syrup and immediately tightly clog the banks.

Step 8

Black currant compote for the winter. Step 8

We turn the lids down and wrap the jars so that it is the most long time to maintain heat. In this position, we leave home compote for about a day so that it completely cools down. We store in a dry and dark place for 1 year.

Step 9

Black currant compote for the winter. Step 9

An unusually aromatic and tasty compote of black currant, prepared for the winter without sterilization according to a simple recipe. Prepare for health, friends, successful blanks and pleasant appetite!


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