Step 1
To prepare a fragrant and tasty home lemonade, we need the following ingredients: carbonated water, strawberries, sugar and basil.
Step 2
250 grams of fresh strawberries quickly wash in cold water and throw it on a sieve. After that, cut off the tails.
Step 3
We transfer the berries to the grinder, add 100 grams of sugar and several branches of fresh basil (along with the stems).
Step 4
We pierce everything together until a homogeneous state. Sugar must completely dissolve. You can also grind products with a submersible blender or piercing everything in a stationary (for cooking cocktails).
Step 5
We pour the fragrant base into a deep dish and pour cold soda water. Its volume may vary based on your preferences. I add 500 milliliters, as I additionally put a lot of ice in the finished drink. Mix.
Step 6
After that, we throw off the liquid onto the sieve and squeeze the crushed berries with greens.
Step 7
Home lemonade is ready. We pour it into a bottle and serve in a chilled form, if you wish, adding ice cubes.
Step 8
Unusually aromatic, very tasty and completely natural strawberry lemonade with basil according to a simple recipe. Prepare for your health and pleasant to you, friends, appetite!