Home Baking Cheese pancakes

Cheese pancakes

by admin

Good afternoon

Today we have unusual pancakes. According to the cooking technology, they slightly resemble the current Japanese pancakes-sufle, but in our case there will be a couple more ingredients that take the dish to another level.

Cheese pancakes

Product set:

Cheese pancakes

  • Flour, 110g.
  • Milk, 100 ml
  • Eggs, 3 pcs.
  • Cream cheese, 50 gr.
  • Parmesan, 30 gr.
  • Olives, 30 gr.
  • Bacon s/k, 4 strips
  • Baking powder, 5 gr.
  • Green onions
  • Vegetable oil, salt

The proteins are separated from the yolks, olives and onions are cut finely

Cheese pancakes

In a bowl we put yolks, olives, cream cheese, milk, parmesan and mix thoroughly with a whisk until a homogeneous consistency.

Add olives, flour, baking powder, knead the dough and leave at rest for five minutes.

Cheese pancakes

Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt with a mixer at high speed to persistent peaks.

Cheese pancakes

Gently interfere with the proteins in the dough, scraping the spatula from the bottom up.

Cheese pancakes

Fry the bacon in a minute on each side over high heat, transfer to a napkin to make the glass oil.

Cheese pancakes

Add a spoonful of oil to the pan, pour the ladle dough and bake the pancakes in a minute with each side over medium heat.

Cheese pancakes

Serve with bacon, decorating with green onions

Cheese pancakes

Bon appetit!


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