Home Second courses Pasta in Romesko sauce with vegetables and cottage cheese

Pasta in Romesko sauce with vegetables and cottage cheese

by admin

Hi all.

Today we will prepare an interesting option for paste — with Romesco sauce, vegetables and cottage cheese grain.

The recipe is amusing and I don’t even know if something can be replaced except for the pasta, since the sauce itself is special and the environment is enough in the topic.

Pasta in Romesko sauce with vegetables and cottage cheese

Product set:

Pasta in Romesko sauce with vegetables and cottage cheese

  • Pasta (here is Kalamarata), 150 gr.
  • Romesko sauce, 150 gr.
  • Curd grain in cream, 130 gr.
  • Onion, 1 pc.
  • Cabbage Romanesko, 100 gr.
  • Cherry tomatoes, 100 gr.
  • Remated tomatoes, 30 gr.
  • Garlic, 2-3 teeth
  • Spinach, parsley, cilantro
  • Black pepper, vegetable oil, salt

We rub the onion on a large grater, chop the garlic finely, cut the dried tomatoes into strips, blacks in half, chop the cilantro and parsley finely, cut the spinach leaves arbitrarily.

Pasta in Romesko sauce with vegetables and cottage cheese

Boil the paste until cooked.

Pasta in Romesko sauce with vegetables and cottage cheese

Fry the onion and garlic over high heat for a couple of minutes.

Pasta in Romesko sauce with vegetables and cottage cheese

Add cabbage, fry for a minute.

Pasta in Romesko sauce with vegetables and cottage cheese

Add tomatoes, greens, salt, pepper to taste, warm for a couple of minutes, remove from heat.

Pasta in Romesko sauce with vegetables and cottage cheese

We throw the paste into a colander (we save the water), return it back, add Romesko sauce, 50 ml of saved water, bring to a boil, prepare a minute, stirring.

Pasta in Romesko sauce with vegetables and cottage cheese

Add curd grain, arrange, mix, remove from heat.

Pasta in Romesko sauce with vegetables and cottage cheese

We spread the paste on a plate, on top of the vegetables and serve with cheese, nuts, olive oil, etc.

Pasta in Romesko sauce with vegetables and cottage cheese

Bon appetit!


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