Home First dishes Shverinsky cheese soup

Shverinsky cheese soup

by admin

Well, it is cool and the summer season is slowly coming to an end.
I want something more satisfying, hot and alert. Therefore, from South, Mediterranean cuisine, we smoothly move to several German dishes, which we love and periodically prepare.

German cuisine, no doubt, meets the “principles of three P” — more, hungry and quickly. All these soups, sausages and a lot of meat, perfectly correspond to our climate, when in winter the body needs fats, calories and all that.

We somehow spied this recipe in the magazine “The School of Gastronoma-a Collection of Recipes” and has been using it with pleasure for several years.

Shverinsky cheese soup

We will need:

  • 1.5 liters of beef or chicken broth
  • Boiled-digger ham
  • Milk
  • Onions
  • Cheese «Chedder»
  • Tomato paste or ketchup
  • Butter
  • Mustard
  • Flour
  • Nutmeg
  • Ground red pepper

Everything except the broth is approximately in such proportions:

Shverinsky cheese soup

First, take the onions, cut off the white part from it and subtly cut it with rings or half rings (so even better):

Shverinsky cheese soup

Next, put it in a pan, add butter and begin to fry:

Shverinsky cheese soup

Somewhere before this state (about five minutes):

Shverinsky cheese soup

Then add flour, tomato paste and mustard there. Mix everything, warm for about two minutes and put aside:

Shverinsky cheese soup

Cut the ham into small pieces:

Shverinsky cheese soup


Shverinsky cheese soup

Now grab a pan with broth, pour milk there and bring to a boil:

Shverinsky cheese soup

Add onions with flour and tomato paste and cook for five minutes:

Shverinsky cheese soup

Next is three cheese, and throw it there in the company with a ham, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Cook another 2-3 minutes:

Shverinsky cheese soup

Shverinsky cheese soup

Pour into plates or bowls and eat:

Shverinsky cheese soup

Bon appetit!


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