Home Desserts Homemade crispy sand cookies in butter

Homemade crispy sand cookies in butter

by admin

Preparation: Step 1

  • Prepare all ingredients for homemade crispy sand cookies in butter.

    Councils on the choice of ingredients:

    Sugar should be small. Better yet, if it is sugar powder. The sand dough is dry, and sugar does not want to dissolve in it at all. As a result, in ready -made homemade sand cookies, he can crunch on his teeth, which is not very good.

    Vanilla is an additional aroma. It can be in completely any form. Essence, extract, vanilla sugar or pasta.

    The butter should be soft, room temperature. Necessarily good quality. I recommend using butter with a fat content of 82.5%.

    How to check butter

  • Step 2

    The recipe for sand cookies in the oven is very simple, but there are some nuances. I’ll sit down on them further.

    First put soft butter in a bowl. Add small sugar (or powdered sugar), a pinch of salt, vanilla.

  • Step 3

    Mix everything at the average speed of the mixer into a smooth homogeneous mass.

  • Step 4

    In the meantime, the mixer works to mix the remaining dry ingredients: two types of flour and baking powder for the dough.

  • Step 5

    Add a dry flour mixture to the bowl to the creamy mass.

  • Step 6

    Mix a mixer until the crumbs are obtained, about 10-15 seconds.

    Since we have almost half of the total flour, whole grain, the color of the crumbs will turn out to be quite brown.

  • Step 7

    With your hands, quickly collect all the crumbs in a single lump. The fewer contacts with hands, the better. The dough for homemade sand cookies is ready.

    Place for about half an hour in the refrigerator so that the dough is slightly compacted.

    Turn on in advance to heat the oven 180 degrees.

    Watch the master class «How to spend in the kitchen no more than 1 hour a day and at the same time it is good and useful to feed» 👉🏻 here

  • Step 8

    After half an hour, proceed to form our sand cookies.

    Roll out the dough between two sheets of baking paper. The thickness is about half a centimeter. This is quite convenient. There is no extra flour and does not bother anything. After that, the same paper lay the baking sheet with the same paper.

    In whole grain flour, gluten is less than wheat. The dough is more crumbly, and it is a little harder to work with it. Below I will tell you another way of forming cookies where nothing needs to be rolled out.

  • Step 9

    Cut sand cookies with molds.

  • Step 10

    The dough can not be rolled up, but pinch the slices the size of a walnut and roll into a ball. After that, put the balls on the baking sheet and add. The thickness is 0.5-0.7 cm. No more.

    This method is simpler and more convenient. But here you will not get any figures.

  • Step 11

    Prepare a baking sheet for homemade crispy sand cookies in butter. Cover it with baking paper.

    Put sand cookies. As I said, the dough with whole grain flour is more moody and fragile. I endure cookies with a knife with a wide blade.

  • Step 12

    Bake in a preheated oven. Baking time is about 15-20 minutes. As soon as the sand cookies begin to blush, immediately turn it off.

    Let it cool with a home sand liver.

  • Step 13

    Baking time also depends on the characteristics of your oven. I recommend focusing on your conditions so that sand cookies do not burn.

  • Step 14

    Everything, our homemade crispy sand cookies in butter is ready!

    It turns out with a light walnut flavor, sweet enough. Not special sugar lovers can try to reduce it by 20 grams for sure.

    All pleasant appetite!

    Other sand cookies recipes, Look 👉🏻 HERE

Preparation: Step 1

Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Step 13
Step 14


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