Home Drinks Home lemonade strawberry with lemon

Home lemonade strawberry with lemon

by admin

Step 1

Homemade lemonade strawberries with lemon. Step 1

To prepare home lemonade, we will need the following ingredients: soda water, strawberries, lemon and granulated sugar.

Step 2

Homemade lemonade strawberries with lemon. Step 2

One rather large (I had a weighing 200 grams) lemon thoroughly mine, lower it for a minute in boiling water, wipe dry. We remove the zest with a small grater — the thinnest upper layer of yellow. We do not affect the white layer — it gives bitterness. We cut the lemon in half across and squeeze the juice in any way.

Step 3

Homemade lemonade strawberries with lemon. Step 3

We filter lemon juice from the seeds. I got 60 milliliters, but the amount of juice depends on the variety and the size of citrus.

Step 4

Homemade lemonade strawberries with lemon. Step 4

In some volumetric dishes, we pour 2 tablespoons (40 grams) of sugar. Add chopped lemon zest.

Step 5

Homemade lemonade strawberries with lemon. Step 5

We thoroughly wipe the sugar with zest to extract the maximum of citrus aroma.

Step 6

Homemade lemonade strawberries with lemon. Step 6

Add lemon juice and mix everything until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

Step 7

Homemade lemonade strawberries with lemon. Step 7

Now let's take care of strawberries. We need about 200 grams of fresh berries. We collect cold water into a bowl and do not bathe strawberries for long. After that, we throw the berries on a sieve so that the glass is water.

Step 8

Homemade lemonade strawberries with lemon. Step 8

We cut off the tails. I cut part (about half) strawberries with small slices, and I just give the rest of the berries a fork to turn out to be a gruel. If your strawberries are frozen, let it be undermined.

Step 9

Homemade lemonade strawberries with lemon. Step 9

Add all berries to a fragrant lemon base.

Step 10

Homemade lemonade strawberries with lemon. Step 10

Pour cold (I love very cold, so I put a bottle in the freezer for half an hour) with soda water (500 milliliters). Mix.

Step 11

Homemade lemonade strawberries with lemon. Step 11

If desired, add ice cubes and mix again. Homemade strawberry lemonade with lemon is ready. Be sure to try and, if necessary, add sugar or powdered sugar.

Step 12

Homemade lemonade strawberries with lemon. Step 12

We pour the drink into a suitable dish and serve.

Step 13

Homemade lemonade strawberries with lemon. Step 13

I will show a couple more options for feeding strawberry lemonade. You can pure everything with a submersible blender, if your family does not like pieces of berries in drinks.

Step 14

Homemade lemonade strawberries with lemon. Step 14

Then it turns out homogeneous lemonade — it is less carbonated and quite thick.

Step 15

Homemade lemonade strawberries with lemon. Step 15

For the most picky, you can additionally strain lemonade through a sieve — they will definitely not find anything, which will prevent you from enjoying this delicious and aromatic home drink.

Step 16

Homemade lemonade strawberries with lemon. Step 16

Such a bright, delicious, tasty, fragrant and completely natural strawberry lemonade and you can easily do at home. Prepare for health and pleasant to you appetite, friends!


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