Home Drinks Home lemonade lemon with mint

Home lemonade lemon with mint

by admin

Step 1

Home lemonade lemon with mint. Step 1

To prepare this refreshing home lemonade, we need the following ingredients: carbonated and drinking water, mint, lemon and granulated sugar.

Step 2

Home lemonade lemon with mint. Step 2

50 grams of fresh mint (this is a large beam), dry and cut with a knife directly with the stems. Large or finely — not fundamentally.

Step 3

Home lemonade lemon with mint. Step 3

One large lemon is mine, after which we lower it into boiling water for a minute and wipe it dry. Using the grater we get the zest (the upper layer of the peel of the yellow color), and squeeze the juice from the lemon. Despite the fact that I had a very large (250 grams) fetus, it turned out to be thick -legged and gave only 60 milliliters of juice.

Step 4

Home lemonade lemon with mint. Step 4

In a saucepan we put chopped mint, the zest of lemon. Add 50 grams of sugar.

Step 5

Home lemonade lemon with mint. Step 5

Pour drinking water (500 milliliters), mix and put on medium heat. We give it to boil and cook just a minute.

Step 6

Home lemonade lemon with mint. Step 6

Then we give a peppermint decoction to brew on the table and cool completely. 20 minutes is enough.

Step 7

Home lemonade lemon with mint. Step 7

We throw a decoction on a sieve, setting a deep bowl under it. After hand, squeeze the mint with the zest — they also have a lot of moisture.

Step 8

Home lemonade lemon with mint. Step 8

The result is such a basis for the future home lemonade. For sourness, add lemon juice.

Step 9

Home lemonade lemon with mint. Step 9

Mix. The workpiece can be stored in a sealed bowl in the refrigerator for up to a week or immediately cook lemonade. The amount of carbonated water depends on your wishes: love a more rich taste, pour less. I added 500 milliliters.

Step 10

Home lemonade lemon with mint. Step 10

Serve fragrant homemade lemon lemon-grinding with ice cubes. Very refreshing and light — exactly what is needed in the summer heat. Prepare for health, friends, and pleasant to you appetite!


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