Today we will try to make soup of all times and peoples — a ear of a scalp with a pearl barley.
Of course, there is nothing better than a soup cooked from fresh, caught immediately in a river or lake, fish. I remember that I ate the most delicious ear in one of our traditional trips to Valdai, when the base was cooked from a huge number of ruffs wrapped in gauze (so as not to break through), and then the roach also languished! In general, in the morning the broth in the pot turned into a bay! And this, notice, in the summer! Mmmm …
But back to reality! In order to taste the rich and very tasty ear to go to big water, sit there with fishing rods or rush with sparkles. You can go to the store and buy a supa set from Semi and all other necessary causals.
In principle, the recipe is simple.
All that we need, you see in this picture:
- Supova set of salmon or trout
- Pearl barley
- Potato
- Carrot
- Onion
- Vegetable oil
- Salt, lavrushka, pepper peas
We remove the gills from the head, put the fish in cold water in the company with a medium -sized onion and one carrot. Salt to taste, put on strong fire:
We bring the water to a boil, reduce the fire and leave to cook for 30 minutes, periodically removing the foam and all kinds of garbage.
While the broth gurgles, finely cut the onion, three on a large grater remaining carrots and cut potatoes with cubes:
Rinse the barley, pour boiling water for a while while the broth is cooked:
Small lyrical digression.
I first tried Perlovka in the army. When he went to serve, my father scared me with stories about this porridge. Say, you will sit there on a barley and forget the taste of normal food!
Ha! Yes, for us, the barn was semolina! Nothing is compared with a crumbly, flavored oil and a steeply advanced boiled barley!
Especially against the background, the so -called “cuts”, which we were fed almost constantly. It, of course, is useful and high -calorie, but incredible muck))
We fry the onion with carrots over high heat for two minutes:
After half an hour, our broth will, in principle, will be ready, and the fish will become soft and crumbly.
We remove the onion with carrots from it, take out the fish and disassemble it on meat and bones with cartilage and fins:
We filter the broth, put everything edible back, and place the bones, cartilage and fins in gauze or in a colander and cook for another ten minutes:
After the broth has finally prepared, became saturated and even adhesive, throw potatoes with barley into it and cook for 15-20 minutes.
Put carrots with onions, lavrushka, pepper-horses and leave on the minimum fire for another 10-15 minutes:
Turn off, let our whole splendor brew for about five minutes and pour the ear on plates or bowls.
Bon appetit!