Home Drinks Rowan compote recipe

Rowan compote recipe

by admin

Preparation: Step 1

  • Prepare all the ingredients for compot from mountain ash. In this recipe, I used a black ash. It has a light astringent taste and a more juicy texture of the berries. But you can use any other variety. The compote will turn out no less tasty and healthy.

    This recipe is suitable for harvesting compote for the winter, and for every day.

    For the compote for the winter, you will need sterile jars and lids. They need to be sterilized and dried in advance in the usual way for you.

    From the specified number of ingredients, one liter bank of compote is obtained.

    How to sterilize banks in a pan, on a teapot, in the oven, microwave, double boiler, slow cooker, dishwasher

  • Step 2

    The recipe for compote made of black ash is very simple. Let's start with the preparation of the berries.

    To sort out the berries of mountain ash from the twigs and rinse well in a large amount of water.

  • Step 3

    Drain all the water from the mountain ash and slightly dry it.

  • Step 4

    Put the berries of mountain ash in a liter sterile jar. They must fill approximately half the volume of the can.

  • Step 5

    Prepare an orange for fruit compote. Rinse the orange very well. Cut it into slices.

    The mountain ash practically does not contain acids, and the orange will perfectly complement it. He will fill the compote not only with an additional taste, but will also allow it to be stored all winter. Instead of orange, you can use a pair of lemon or lime lines. You can remove citruses at all, but replace them with a pinch of citric acid.

    Watch the master class «How to spend in the kitchen no more than 1 hour a day and at the same time it is good and useful to feed» 👉🏻 here

  • Step 6

    Add orange to a jar of mountain ash.

  • Step 7

    Pour the berries with boiling water. Cover and leave for 15 minutes.

  • Step 8

    Drain all water from the mountain ash in a clean pan and add sugar. Put a pan on the fire. Bring to a boil and cook with moderate boiling for about 5 minutes.

  • Step 9

    Pour hot syrup with an orange with hot syrup and roll up a jar with a compote of a metal lid.

  • Step 10

    Turn the jar upside down and wrap it. Leave the compote from the mountain ash until it cools completely. As soon as the compote cools down, to rearrange the bank in a cool dark place for storage. Such a compote will be well stored all winter.

    By the way, you can drink such compote immediately after cooling completely. Due to the fact that the berries do not cook, they completely give all their beneficial properties to compote.

  • Step 11

    Rowan compote is ready!

    Other compotes recipes, see 👉🏻 HERE

Preparation: Step 1

Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11


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