Preparation: Step 1
Prepare all ingredients for rosehip compote.
From the specified number of ingredients, 1 liter of finished compote from rosehips is obtained.
Choose a dense and ripe rosehip.
As an additional aroma, you can add orange or vanilla to the compote. Since rosehip has no bright taste, you can slightly diversify it with additional ingredients.
It is necessary to sterilize and dry jars with lids for compote in advance. You can sterilize cans with lids in any way convenient for you.
How to sterilize banks in a pan, on a teapot, in the oven, microwave, double boiler, slow cooker, dishwasher
Step 2
Put the rosehip berries in a deep cup and wash them in a large amount of water.
Step 3
Peel each berry of brushes and twigs on both sides.
Rosehip: benefits and harm. When to collect, how to dry and brew correctly?
Step 4
Prepare a deep pan or stewpan for cooking compote from rosehips.
Transfer the rosehip. Pour sugar. Add citric acid. Citric acid not only allows the rosehip compote from rosehips all winter, but also adds light sourness, which positively affects the taste of the finished compote.
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Step 5
Pour rose hips with sugar with clean water and put a pan on the fire.
Bring the water to a boil and reduce the fire to the minimum value. Cook a rosehip compote with a slight boil for 15 minutes.
Step 6
Turn off the fire and remove the compote from the stove. Rosehip will fall to the bottom of the compote.
Step 7
Rosehip compote is ready.
Pour the finished rosehip compote into a sterile dry jar and roll up with a metal lid.
Complete the rosehip compote completely, and then remove the bank in a cool dark place for storage for the winter.
You can drink compote immediately, but I recommend letting it stand for at least a day. It will become even more saturated and bright in taste.
Such compote can be prepared from dried rosehip berries. For this, it is necessary to increase the time of preparation of compote to 30 minutes. Dry rosehip compote can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5-7 days.
Bon appetit!