Home Drinks Strawberry and rhubarb compote for the winter

Strawberry and rhubarb compote for the winter

by admin

Step 1

Strawberry and rhubarb compote for the winter. Step 1

To prepare this fragrant home compote for the winter, we will need the following ingredients: water, sugar, strawberries and rhubarb.

Step 2

Strawberry and rhubarb compote for the winter. Step 2

Rhusen (150 grams) and cut into small pieces. I do not remove the skin when preparing compote.

Step 3

Strawberry and rhubarb compote for the winter. Step 3

We lay 600 grams of fresh selected strawberries in deep dishes with cold water. Stiring, bathing literally a minute. So all the garbage will settle to the bottom.

Step 4

Strawberry and rhubarb compote for the winter. Step 4

We throw back the berries on a sieve and remove the stalks.

Step 5

Strawberry and rhubarb compote for the winter. Step 5

One three -liter jar or three liters with a pretty one and sterilize in any way convenient for you. We lay berries and pieces of rhubarb: in each liter jar I put 200 grams of strawberries and 50 grams of petioles.

Step 6

Strawberry and rhubarb compote for the winter. Step 6

In a separate bowl, put about 2.5 liters of water in advance in advance. When it boils, pour the contents of the cans almost to the top (it leaves 2.1 liters of water) and tightly twist it with new screw lids. I boiled them for a couple of minutes. If you have ordinary tin lids, just cover the banks with them.

Step 7

Strawberry and rhubarb compote for the winter. Step 7

Leave on the table for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the berries will give part of the juice and paint the water.

Step 8

Strawberry and rhubarb compote for the winter. Step 8

We drain the water back into the pan, and the jars again twist (cover) with lids so that they do not cool quickly. I really like this cover (green) with slots — especially to drain the liquid, while maintaining the berries in the bank.

Step 9

Strawberry and rhubarb compote for the winter. Step 9

Add 300 grams of sugar. Mix and put on medium or even strong fire. We are waiting for the liquid to boil and cook with moderate heating literally a minute.

Step 10

Strawberry and rhubarb compote for the winter. Step 10

With boiling syrup, pour strawberries with rhubarb almost to the edge of the cans. Immediately sealed.

Step 11

Strawberry and rhubarb compote for the winter. Step 11

Turn the cans on the lids, wrap it with a towel or blanket. Leave it so until it cools completely. We store homemade strawberry compote with rhubarb for about a year in a dry and dark place. If the berries are of excellent quality, it costs excellent even at room temperature.

Step 12

Strawberry and rhubarb compote for the winter. Step 12

In winter, open a jar and enjoy the aroma of summer … successful workpieces, friends — prepare for health and pleasant to you appetite!

Step 13

Strawberry and rhubarb compote for the winter. Step 13

By the way, if you prefer a pure taste of strawberries without any additives, be sure to roll up the strawberry compote for the winter for this proven recipe.


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