Preparation: Step 1
Prepare and spread all the ingredients for gluten pancakes in coconut milk. This recipe used ready -made universal flour without gluten. Eggs and milk should be at room temperature.
Step 2
Prepare dough for pancakes. Drive eggs into a deep bowl. Add sugar and beat the eggs with sugar using a mixer or corolla.
Step 3
The egg mass should become homogeneous and more magnificent.
Step 4
Pour coconut milk into the eggs and mix well with a whisk. Add salt and baking powder to the egg-milk mixture.
In this recipe, coconut milk can be replaced with the same amount of other vegetable milk. The aroma of pancakes, of course, will change, but the taste will remain the same.
Step 5
Without ceasing to whip, in parts add universal flour without gluten to the dough. Each time, mix the dough until all the lumps are completely disappeared. Thus, introduce all the flour into the dough.
Universal flour without gluten for pancakes on coconut milk can be replaced with rice flour. In this case, it is worth considering that rice flour itself does not have the necessary gluten. Thus, the amount of liquid in the test will need to be a little adjusted. Or add a little more flour than in the recipe.
Step 6
Pour in a thin stream into the dough, melted water and mix well. The dough for pancakes should be homogeneous. Leave the dough for 5-7 minutes. This is necessary so that the flour is a little swollen and becomes more plastic. At this time, gluten will begin to develop, and the dough will become a little thicker.
Step 7
Add vegetable oil to the gluten pancakes. Mix the dough well so that the oil is evenly distributed in it. In this recipe, vegetable oil can be replaced with the same amount of coconut oil. The taste and aroma of ready -made pancakes will turn out to be even brighter and more interesting.
Step 8
Put the pan on medium fire. Lubricate it with a small amount of vegetable or coconut oil. It is good to pump the pan and start frying pancakes.
Step 9
Pour a little dough on a hot pan with a ladle. Fry over medium heat until the edges of the pancake are browned.
Step 10
Turn the pancake with a shoulder blade to the other side. Fry the pancake from the other side to beautiful golden color. Thus fry all the pancakes.
Step 11
Pay the finished pancakes on each other with a pile, each time covering it with a plate. This is necessary so that the finished pancakes do not dry or cool.
Step 12
Serve the pancakes to the table hot. Solding gluten -free pancakes on coconut milk can be possible with any favorite jam. It is perfect for serving pancakes and coconut condensed milk.
The pancakes according to the recipe are not too sweet, and therefore they may well be served with a variety of unsweetened fillings and sauces.
Gluten pancakes quickly dry out in the open air. If you plan to store pancakes for some time, it is recommended to close them well with a baking film or transfer them to a container. Next, store the pancakes in the refrigerator.
Gluten pancakes in coconut milk are ready. Bon appetit.