Home Second courses Hot smoking mackerel

Hot smoking mackerel

by admin

Hello again!

Today in our program of hot smoking mackerel. I ask you to love and complain!

And not to love smoked fish somehow does not work! Yes, even made with your own hand and eaten in the fresh air!

Smoked mackerel

In general, we once bought a smokehouse. The device is quite simple and is a hermetic closing … Well, a almost hermetically tightly closed box with gratings and shells inside.

Physics of the process is simple: a material that gives aroma and caustic smoke is placed on the bottom, a shelf is placed on top, the product and the smokehouse are covered with a lid.

We kindle the fire and put all this equalibrics on it. Gradually, the smoke email begins to smoke, and in this child and heat the product acquires a unique taste.

So what we are doing. Firstly, we buy or catch (to whom it is easier) mackerel. In principle, the pike is good and other fish, but mackerel is a fatty and very, in the end, it turns out juicy.

All that we need from the products, you see in this photo:

Smoked mackerel

  • Mackerel
  • Seasoning for fish
  • Salt

We cut the fish, mine, salt abundantly and sprinkle on all sides by spices:

Smoked mackerel

We leave for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator:

Smoked mackerel

After the fish has sucked, we wipe it dry with a napkin:

Smoked mackerel

In parallel, we kindle the fire:

Smoked mackerel

I added a few pieces of coal here, because there were few firewood. In addition, we will need to adjust the temperature in the smokehouse in the future:

Smoked mackerel

Pour a little water into any vessel:

Smoked mackerel

And we pour out there pre -purchased, or touched by maniacs (since even a bachelor — to manually strict solid wood in the required amount))) shavings or wood chips. In this case, the store was apple, but it is better to use Olkhovaya.

Smoked mackerel

After the chips are wet, pour it (without water, stump is clear) to the bottom of the smokehouse and distribute it with an even layer:

Smoked mackerel

We put the first lattice and strengthen it with foil so that it is under our fish, and there are openings for smoke at the edges. Folga will drain fat:

Smoked mackerel

We put the second lattice, and so that the fish does not burn for it, we put the leaves on top (in our case it is currants), and the abdomen of Zkombrievich is bursting with sticks:

Smoked mackerel

Close the entire structure and put on strong fire:

Smoked mackerel

After some time, smoke will break from all the cracks. This is good! The main thing is that it is not yellow — this is a sign that the chip began to burn, while it should smolder, exuding caustic and odorous smoke. After 10-15 minutes, you need to slightly open the smokehouse to shake it.

ATTENTION!!! Do this extremely carefully, since a sharp flow of oxygen can cause a flash of chips.

Our smokehouse has a sluggish lid and it is convenient to open it a little bit, preventing the air from abruptly get inside:

Smoked mackerel

We inspect our mackerel. Good!

Smoked mackerel

Close again and slightly reduce the fire under the smoke. For this regulation, we needed coals that I added to the firewood. With their help, it is very convenient to control the temperature, pulling out or, conversely, adding to the smokehouse:

Smoked mackerel

We wait 15 minutes and open:

Smoked mackerel

Ready! Enjoy appetite (do not eat a skin — it is bitter and carcinogenic)!

Smoked mackerel


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