Home Drinks Cranberry fruitless

Cranberry fruitless

by admin

Preparation: Step 1

  • Video receptor of cranberry mars from frozen cranberries

    Watch the video on a separate page

    Cranberry maxi recipe from frozen cranberries with step -by -step photos

    Prepare all ingredients for cranberry fruit drinks from frozen cranberries.

    Frozen cranberries must be removed from the freezer half an hour before the start of the fruit drink. By the way, such a fruit drink can be prepared not only with frozen, but also with fresh cranberries.

  • Step 2

    Prepare puree from cranberries.

    Put a sieve on a deep cup. In parts, add cranberries to the sieve and wipe it with a spoon. At this stage, you need to attack, but believe me, it is definitely worth it 🙂

    The skin remaining from the cranberries cannot be thrown away.

    Cranberries rubbed with sugar for the winter without cooking

  • Step 3

    Remove the resulting mashed potatoes from frozen cranberries.

  • Step 4

    Transfer the cake, which remained in Sita after wiping the cranberries, into a saucepan or a small pan.

    Watch the master class «How to spend in the kitchen no more than 1 hour a day and at the same time it is good and useful to feed» 👉🏻 here

  • Step 5

    Add sugar and water to a pan with cranberry cranberries.

    I usually use sugar sugar. It is less harmful than refined sugar. Many replace sugar with honey. This can also be done, but not at this stage. Since then, we will heat the water and the honey will collapse all its beneficial properties when heated.

  • Step 6

    Put a pan with cranberry around you, water and sugar on fire. Heat until the sugar is completely dissolved in water. There is no need to boil water so as not to destroy the vitamins that are in cranberries. Water must be heated to a hot state, it is about 60-70 degrees and turn off the fire. Leave the pan on the table so that the base for the cranberry fruit drinks completely cooled.

  • Step 7

    Put a sieve on a cup along with cranberry puree. Pour cranberry water in mashed potatoes. Circle will remain on the surface of the sieve.

  • Step 8

    Mix cranberry fruit drinks. Cranberry mashed potatoes should be well dispersed in the fruit.

    If you decide not to add sugar and replace it with honey, then it can be added at this stage. The amount of sugar and honey can be determined independently, depending on the desired sweetness of the finished cranberry fruit drink.

  • Step 9

    Cranberry fruit drinks from frozen cranberries are ready.

    Serve cranberry fruit drinks from at room temperature or having previously cooled in the refrigerator.

    Bon appetit!

    Other cranberry recipes, see 👉🏻 HERE

Preparation: Step 1

Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9


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