Step 1
To prepare a delicious and aromatic home lemon Tarhun, we will need the following ingredients: carbonated water, ordinary drinking water, estronon (Tarkhun), granulated sugar, lemon and lime.
Step 2
The greens of the stage need to be chopped in any convenient way. I my bunch (50 grams) and put in the Blender bowl (I will grind it in it). Add 4 tablespoons (80 grams) of sugar.
Step 3
We pierce Tarhun with sugar, turning everything into a porridge -like mass. You can do this with a submersible blender. If this is not there, finely, chop the greens with a knife and grind with granulated sugar.
Step 4
Pour a fragrant popgon with a mucan of boiling water. Mix and leave until completely cooled. In about 20 minutes, the mixture will become room temperature and will infuse.
Step 5
We throw off a concentrate on a sieve or a colander covered with gauze in 3-4 layers. Squeeze well.
Step 6
As a result, it turns out such a saturated Tarhun for home lemonade saturated and aroma.
Step 7
For a balance of sweetness, acid is needed. I use the juice of halves of lemon and lime. Mix and the concentrate is completely ready for use. It can be stored in a sealed dish for about a week in the refrigerator.
Step 8
But we will prepare homemade Tarhun right away. Dilute the green mixture with cold soda water (1 liter). Mix and add ice if desired. We enjoy!
Step 9
You can also easily make a refreshing, fragrant and completely natural lemonade of Tarhun at home. Prepare for health, friends, and pleasant to you appetite!