Home First dishes Lamb shurpa: classic recipe

Lamb shurpa: classic recipe

by admin

Preparation: Step 1

  • Prepare all ingredients for a classic recipe for lamb shurpa.

    Shurpa meat must be bought on a bone. You can take the neck, ribs, spatula. Baranin should be fresh, without extraneous smells, lamb meat is best suited.

    There are two options for cooking shurpa — when the meat is simply put in water and cooked, and when it is previously fried on fatty fat or vegetable oil.
    But the broth on the lamb is already fat enough, so I will cook shurp without preliminary frying.

    Potatoes need to buy one that is not hardly boiled, does not break up during cooking. It is better to take medium -sized tubers. Then they will not have to be cut before cooking.

    Carrots and onions should be large. If they are medium size, take 2 pieces.

    When buying acute pepper, make sure that it has no damage, otherwise he will give all his bitterness to the Shurpe, and it will be very sharp.

    Tomato needs one large (we will cook it with meat) and several small ones. You do not need to cut them. They will be cooked entirely. You can not put tomatoes in the shurp, but, believe me, if you try such tomatoes, you will cook them like this even in borsch.

    I did not use Zira, but if you love, put it.
    If you have a cauldron, cook the shurp in it, or take a pan with a thick bottom with a volume of 5-6 liters.

  • Step 2

    Rinse and cut the lamb into large portioned pieces. If you cook your neck, it needs to be cut into several parts. Cut the ribs 1-2 pieces.

  • Step 3

    Pour water into a pan/cauldron and put meat. Let it boil.

  • Step 4

    Peel the onion and cut with a cross, without cutting out to the end. So the onion will give taste and aroma broth, but it can be easily reached.

  • Step 5

    Wash the tomato. It is not necessary to cut it. It is necessary to cook it in the broth.

  • Step 6

    Put onions and tomato for meat.

  • Step 7

    Cover the pan with a lid. Cook the broth 1.5 -2 hours or more depends on the type of meat. It should become soft, but not break up into fibers. Do not forget to shoot foam during cooking. You need to cook the broth on a very low heat, to languish it. Then both the meat and the broth will be very tasty.

  • Step 8

    Remove the meat from the broth when it is ready.

  • Step 9

    Get onions and tomato from the broth and wipe them through a strainer. The onion-underly gruel should be returned to the broth.

  • Step 10

    Clean potatoes. It is not necessary to cut if it is medium size.

  • Step 11

    Clean carrots.

  • Step 12

    Cut the carrots with large washers.

  • Step 13

    Strain the broth. Of course, you can not filter, but I did it. I also advise you, so you will get rid of small seeds that can stay at the bottom of the pan, and the broth will become even more transparent.

    I filter through gauze. I cover a colander with gauze, folded in 2-3 layers.

  • Step 14

    Put potatoes and carrots in boiling broth. Do not cover the lid. Continue to cook a lamb shurp according to a classic recipe.

  • Step 15

    Remove seeds in sweet pepper. Cut the pepper into 4 parts.

  • Step 16

    10 minutes after potatoes and carrots boil, put tomatoes in the broth, Bulgarian pepper and whole bitter pepper, as well as all spices, including salt. Do not cover the lid.

    Shurpa does not boil, but languishes over low heat until the vegetables are completely ready. About this will take 30-40 minutes. During this time, vegetables absorb the aroma of the broth and share their tastes with it.

  • Step 17

    During the time when the vegetables were cooked, the lamb cooled down. It must be returned to the broth.

  • Step 18

    Peel the garlic from the husk and cut. Put garlic in shurpu.

  • Step 19

    Wash the cilantro and divide into about 2 parts. Tie one part with a rope or a harsh thread.

  • Step 20

    Dip the cilantro in the shurp, tying the free end to the penet of the pan. This is necessary so that later it is easy to pull out a bunch from the broth. After boiling, remove the shurp from the fire. After 5 minutes, pull out the cilantro.

  • Step 21

    Baranin's shurp according to the classic recipe is ready. Put a piece of meat, vegetables, including a tomato, sprinkle with a dash and garlic in a plate. You can put garlic and cilantro on the table, and everyone will put himself as much as he wants.

    Shurpa is rich, fragrant and tasty.
    And, believe me, sharp pepper, which after prolonged cooking becomes moderately sharp, turns out superly tasty. It needs to be cut and pulled out by pieces and eat. I definitely put a couple of pieces in borsch. I recommend. And the tomatoes like little power. Bon appetit.

Preparation: Step 1

Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Step 13
Step 14
Step 15
Step 16
Step 17
Step 18
Step 19
Step 20
Step 21


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