Preparation: Step 1
A video receptor of pollock in a pan
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A recipe for a till in a pan with step -by -step photos
Prepare all the necessary ingredients for the preparation of polions in a pan.
A pollock is sold, most often, in the form of frozen fillets or whole frozen carcasses. It is very difficult to find fresh fish, because The process of cutting and frost, almost always, is carried out on sea vessels that catch pollock. When buying a till fillet, pay attention to the address of manufacture. It is best to buy sea frost fish in places of its catch.
Also, when buying, pay attention to the composition indicated on the label. The composition should have fish and water, without additional preservatives and other additives. The color of the pollock fillet should be white, without spots and yellow areas. The smell of quality fish after defrosting is neutral.
Vegetable oil can be used sunflower without smell or olive. Penalty oil is better to choose from 82.5% fat. French herbs can be replaced with dried basil, thyme or rosemary.
Step 2
Rinse the pre -thawed pollock fillet. The fish should be well thawed and uniformly thawed from the glaze. Give the excess moisture, cut into pieces of the same size. If the fish is very wet, you can get it with a paper towel.
Step 3
Clean a large onion of the husk. Rinse, cut into 2 parts. Cut the onion with large slices. Onions can be used any kind.
Step 4
Peel 2 cloves of garlic, cut into several parts and add them to a portion of onions.
Step 5
Heat the pan over medium heat, pour 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Add onions and garlic to heated vegetable oil.
Step 6
Fry the onion until golden on both sides, it should be slightly caramelized. Add a portion of butter and slightly reduce the fire. The butter should not burn.
Step 7
Put the chopped pollock fillet into the pan to the onion. Putting a milky fillet preferably in one layer. The onion must be removed to the edges of the pan. If necessary, add another 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
Step 8
Add bay leaf, French herbs, salt and black pepper to the taste to the taste. Fry on fire a little less than the average, covering the pan with a lid. So the milk will extinguish within 12-15 minutes. It does not need to be turned over so that the porridge from the fillet does not turn out. The thawed pollen is quite watery, so the fish will be perfectly prepared in its own juice.
Step 9
Rinse and crush the greens of dill or parsley. You can also add a cilantro or green onion. If you do not like greens, this stage can be missed.
Step 10
Serve a delicate milky fillet with herbs on the table. The fish prepared in creamy on theisan sauce, thanks to this it became fragrant and very tasty. Caramelized onions can be served with fish, or only fillet can. This is a matter of taste.
The side of the pan cooked in a pan is perfect rice or Potato puree with celery. Bon appetit.