Preparation: Step 1
Prepare the necessary ingredients for tomato soup-puree according to a classic recipe.
The taste of soup depends on the quality of tomatoes. Vegetables should be well ripe, juicy, delicious. In this case, home tomatoes are perfect. The variety can be any. Seasonal tomatoes always win in taste compared to greenhouse vegetables.
To bring tomato puree to the desired consistency, we need broth. It can be broth based on vegetables or meat. I will use meat broth. To prepare the broth, to saturate it with taste and aroma, you need to use fragrant root crops. In my case, it is carrots, onions and stems of celery. You can take the root of parsley, Pasternak, celery.
For the broth, any part of the chicken, pork, beef, turkey are suitable. I want to get a more dietary option and prepare the broth on the chicken fillet. Additionally, I will use the greens of dill and parsley with stems. Instead of broth, you can use water.
In the fresh greenery season, I recommend using fresh instead of dried basil. It gives an amazing aroma to the finished dish. Moreover, I like the lemon variety more.
For the preparation of soup, I advise you to use olive oil.
Step 2
Collect the ingredients for the broth in the pan. For this, rinse the chicken fillet, cut excess fat and move to a pan for cooking.
Rinse a small onion along with the husk, cut the tails and lower it into a pan.
Peel the carrots, rinse, cut in half, add to the meat.
Rinse the stalk of celery and twigs of greenery, lower it to the rest of the ingredients, add bay leaf and slightly salted.
Step 3
Pour a liter of cold water to meat and vegetables. Set on fire and bring to a boil. As the foam appears, remove it with a slotted spoon. Cook on low heat for 30-40 minutes until the meat is ready.
Step 4
Rinse the tomatoes. Top to make a shallow cross -shaped incision on top. Boil water in the saucepan. In boiling water, lower the tomatoes for 40-60 seconds. Then get tomatoes from boiling water and lower it into cold water for 8-10 minutes. This stage is needed in order to further easily clean the tomatoes.
Step 5
Clean tomatoes from the skin. Cut the place in the stalk. Cut into four slices.
Step 6
Cover the baking sheet with foil or parchment. Put the chopped tomatoes. Slightly salted and sprinkled with dried basil. Leave a little dried basil for later. Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Send bake for 10-15 minutes. Tomatoes for classic tomato soup should become a little soft.
Step 7
Strain the meat broth. All the vegetables already need to be thrown away. The meat can be used to prepare other dishes or added to the finished tomato soup.
Step 8
To prepare a tomato-puree, according to a classic recipe, you need to choose a thick-walled stewpan or a saucepan. Pour olive oil there. Warm up. Clean, rinse and dry the remaining onion. Cut the quarter-rings. Send to preheated oil. Cook on low heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring.
Step 9
Purified garlic rinse and dry. Cut rings. Add to onions. Fry for about a minute over low heat, stirring. The amount of garlic can be adjusted to your liking.
Step 10
To get the baked slices of tomatoes from the oven and move to a stewpan to a bow with garlic. Mix. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes.
Step 11
Add the remaining dried basil. Season with salt and ground black pepper to taste. Mix. Sweeten sugar if tomatoes are acidic. Stew under the lid for another 10 minutes.
Step 12
Grind the contents of the stewpan with a submersible blender until a homogeneous consistency without lumps.
Step 13
Pour in meat broth to the desired density. It took me only 100 ml of broth (the remaining broth can be used to prepare other dishes or frozen until the next time). Mix. Try again for salt and pepper. Bring to a boil. Boil a minute and turn off the fire.
Step 14
A classic tomato puree soup can be eaten both warm and cold. You can serve dried croutons, sour cream, grated parmesan and greens to the soup.
Step 15
Tomato-puree soup according to the classic recipe is ready. Bon appetit!