Home Second courses Tasty pumpkin in a pan

Tasty pumpkin in a pan

by admin

Preparation: Step 1

  • Video receptor of pumpkin tasty in a pan

    Tasty pumpkin recipe in a pan with step -by -step photos

    Prepare the necessary ingredients for making delicious pumpkin in a pan.

    When buying pumpkin, pay attention to the appearance. There should be no mechanical damage, cracks, dents, signs of damage on the skin. There should not be black spots on the surface of the peel.

  • Step 2

    Pour water, lemon juice, 15 ml of vegetable oil into a deep bowl. Add honey. Mix well so that the honey dissolves. The amount of honey is adjusted to your taste.

    Honey can be replaced with sugar. Water use purified or bottled. Lemon juice can be replaced with apple or other vinegar to taste.

  • Step 3

    Clean garlic and ginger. Both ingredients rinse and dry. Grate on a fine grater. Add to other ingredients. Mix.

  • Step 4

    Season with salt and ground black pepper.

  • Step 5

    Rinse and dry the dill. Delete thick stems. Finely chop the leaves. Add to sauce marinade and mix well.

    A tasty pumpkin sauce in a pan is ready. So far, set aside it aside, so that all the ingredients “make friends” well and reveal their taste and aroma.

    Watch the master class «How to spend in the kitchen no more than 1 hour a day and at the same time it is good and useful to feed» 👉🏻 here

  • Step 6

    Peel the pumpkin. Remove the seeds and fibers. Grozen well and dry with a paper towel. Cut in small cubes in size, approximately 1.5×1.5 cm.

    How are pumpkin seeds useful?

  • Step 7

    Heat the remaining vegetable oil in a deep pan. Add pumpkin cubes.

  • Step 8

    Fry over high heat, about 5-7 minutes, so that all the pieces are browned and become softer, almost ready.

  • Step 9

    Pour in a fragrant sauce marinade. Make a slightly smaller fire and cook for another 2-3 minutes, stirring so that all the water evaporates, and the pumpkin pieces are soaked with a sauce.

  • Step 10

    Give a little cool and can be served to the table.

  • Step 11

    Tasty pumpkin in a pan is ready. You can supplement meat, fish, bird or a side dish.

    Bon appetit!

    Other pumpkin recipes, see 👉🏻 HERE

Preparation: Step 1

Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11


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