Home Desserts Gluten -free pancakes without eggs

Gluten -free pancakes without eggs

by admin

Preparation: Step 1

  • Prepare the necessary ingredients for gluten -free pancakes without eggs.

    There are several types of flour, which is used in flawless baking: rice, corn, coconut, almond, buckwheat, amaranth, oatmeal. There are special glutenic mixtures in stores. I will use oatmeal acquired in a supermarket.

    If the flour is not fresh or stored incorrectly, pastries can be slightly bitter. Flour can be prepared at home from oatmeal if you have a powerful coffee grinder. Just buy fresh flakes. When buying oatmeal or flakes, check that there is a note «without gluten» on the package.

    Coconut milk can be replaced with any vegetable milk. There are options for pancake dough on oatmeal and water, but the taste will differ. Coconut milk makes ready -made pancakes more tender and fragrant. Also at home, you can make oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, almond, soy or other milk.

    Vegetable oil can not be used if you are confident in the good anti -stick coating of the pan.

  • Step 2

    Prepare a deep dishes for a batch of pancake dough. Install a sieve with small holes. Pour oatmeal flour. Sift. Due to this step, the flour is saturated with oxygen, and the finished pastries will turn out to be more air. The sifter procedure can be repeated a couple of times if time permits.

  • Step 3

    Pour salt, sugar, soda to sifted oatmeal. The amount of sugar and salt is regulated to your liking. Sugar can be excluded from the recipe if you do not use it, and compensated by honey or other sweet addition. Soda in the dough can be replaced with baking powder. If you add a little lemon juice to the soda, the pancakes will be even more magnificent.

    Take a manual whisk and thoroughly mix all the dry ingredients. If desired, at this step, you can add a spoonful of vanilla sugar.

  • Step 4

    Pour coconut milk to dry ingredients. It can be bought in large supermarkets or online stores.

  • Step 5

    Mix the whisk until a homogeneous consistency so that there are no lumps. You can use a mixer to mix. The dough was not very liquid and not very thick.

  • Step 6

    Send a pan with anti -stick coating to a large fire. I have a pancake pan with a diameter of 20 cm. The dough should be mixed well before each use. Scoop the ladle. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil using a kitchen brush.

    Pour the dough into the center of the pan and distribute with fast circular motions along the bottom. The dough without eggs for gluten pancakes is not liquid, it spreads poorly and it turns out a pancake with a diameter of 13-15 cm.
    Fry over high heat for 1-1.5 minutes on the one hand. The upper side of the pancake should grab well and cover with a large number of bursting bubbles.

  • Step 7

    Turn the pancake with a wide spatula and continue to cook for another 1-1.5 minutes over high heat.

  • Step 8

    I got 6 delicate and air gluten pancakes. You can immediately serve to the table.

  • Step 9

    Blind pancakes without eggs are ready. Nice tea party!

Preparation: Step 1

Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9


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