Home Desserts Cottage cheesecakes are quickly: express receptor

Cottage cheesecakes are quickly: express receptor

by admin

Preparation: Step 1

  • Prepare all the ingredients for the preparation of cottage cheese rods quickly.

    Councils on the choice of ingredients:

    To cook cheesecakes in haste very quickly, when buying, you should choose a suitable cottage cheese in consistency. It should not be too wet or too dry. Also, for quick cheesecakes, you should not use granular cottage cheese.

    Then you do not have to squeeze excess liquid from cottage cheese or wipe it through a sieve, or punch it with a blender for homogeneity. That is, to make some additional actions that require additional time.

    Therefore, to cook fast cheesecakes, choose the right cottage cheese. Most often, cottage cheese is well suited for cheesecakes, which is sold in packs.

    Another ingredient with which curd cheesecakes are guaranteed to be obtained the first time — this is rice flour. Ideally, whole grain.

    Rice flour has properties that make it very suitable for use in a dish such as homemade cheesecakes. It is more moisture than wheat flour. Therefore, he takes excess moisture from cottage cheese, if any. And cheesecakes will not have to be collapsed in additional flour before frying. As a result, you will spend less time on cooking. And the product itself will fall less flour, and the cheesecakes in the pan will turn out to be more tender. In addition, flour will not burn during frying.

    Another plus of rice flour is that there is no gluten in it. Therefore, it is also suitable for those who observe a gluten -free diet.

    In any sweet pastries (I also attribute cheesecakes here) I add a pinch of salt. Salt is a natural flavor enhancer, it makes the taste of cheesecakes brighter.

    The amount of sugar can vary depending on how sour cottage cheese. If the cottage cheese is not at all sour, then you can take 20 g of sugar. Or your taste.

    From the specified number of products, 8 cheesecakes are obtained.

  • Step 2

    In a large bowl, connect all the ingredients.

    Which flour is better?

  • Step 3

    Mix the products well until smooth.

  • Step 4

    Form cheesecakes from cottage cheese.

    The tablespoon separate part of the resulting curd mass. In terms of volume, about a tablespoon with a hill. (For those who love accuracy: the weight of each cheesecake — 55 g.)

    First roll the ball between the palms with your hands. Then make a cake and add on the sides. To do this, you can use a knife with a wide blade. Pull the cheesecake with the side of the knife from above and from the sides, so that the shape of the “puck” becomes flat.

    The cottage cheese mass does not stick to the hands and does not require additional flour for collapsing.

  • Step 5

    Prepare a pan for frying homemade cheesecakes. The diameter of my pan is 24 cm.

    Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil. Red -legged or mustard unrefined oils are perfect. They withstand high temperature during frying.

    Warm up the oil a little on a moderate heat and lay out the cheesecakes.

    Watch the master class «How to spend in the kitchen no more than 1 hour a day and at the same time it is good and useful to feed» 👉🏻 here

  • Step 6

    Fry fast cheesecakes until golden crust on the one hand.

  • Step 7

    Turn over to the other side and fry again.

  • Step 8

    Put ready -made cottage cheese cheesecakes on a plate.

  • Step 9

    When serving, delicious cheesecakes can be decorated with berries, pieces of fruit, berry or fruit puree, jam, jam. You can also pour honey and serve.

    I hope that you will like this fast express reception of cheesecakes. Bon appetit!

    Other recipes of cheesecakes, see 👉🏻 HERE

Preparation: Step 1

Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9


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