Hi all.
We continue to master a wonderful offal — a beef tail. Recently made a total version, and today we use in a soup.
But in what kind of soup to use it, we had no doubt. What in this case can be more perfect than Georgian Kharcho!
Favorite thick and fat broth, flavored with Tkemali sour and classic Georgian spices! Mmmm, lick your fingers!
Product set:
- Beef tail, 600 gr.
- Tomatoes, 3-4 pcs.
- Onion, 1 pc.
- Garlic, 5-6 teeth
- Tkemali, 150 gr.
- Parsley (but better, of course, cilantro)
- Black pepper, vegetable oil, salt
Cut the tomatoes and onions with a cube, chop the garlic smaller.
We cut the tail in the joints into chosen pieces (if desired, you can cut excess fat), rinse, pour two liters of cold water, bring to a boil, remove foam, salt, cook with a minimum boil of 3 hours.
We filter the broth, disassemble the meat, throw the bones, return the pulp to the pan.
Fry the onion for a couple of minutes on a stylish fire.
We put tomatoes, garlic, hop-sunels, salt, pepper to taste, cook for 15 minutes, stirring periodically.
In the pan to the broth we put the rice, cook for 10 minutes, add vegetables, tkemali, straighten it to salt, let it brew for ten minutes.
Serve with greens.
Bon appetit!