Preparation: Step 1
Prepare all the ingredients for the hot at home.
Recommendations for the choice of ingredients:
The main ingredients are potatoes, onions, carrots. And then already at home! I add pepper almost always. We love more garlic. Tsukini was just at home. This vegetable is practically protruding and partially turn into a delicious, thick sauce. If not or not like it, do not add.
I take either a neck or a spatula from pork. But the neck is better.
Salt specially weighed. It took me exactly 20 grams, that is, 1 tbsp. l. with a hill.
Step 2
Cut the onion and grind the garlic.
Step 3
Cut the bell pepper and carrots into strips. Pepper can be taken any color. Green will have a little more bitterness.
Carrots of True on the grater Burner.
What graters in the kitchen help save time
Step 4
Tsukini is also cut into strips. Here I also use the grater Burner, as in the case of carrots.
Step 5
Cut the meat with an average cube, about three centimeters.
Watch the master class «How to spend in the kitchen no more than 1 hour a day and at the same time it is good and useful to feed» 👉🏻 here
Step 6
Clean the potatoes and also cut into a cube, about 2 centimeter.
Everything, we go to the roasting.
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Step 7
Prepare a container for cooking hot at home. A pan, a pan with a thick bottom or a ducklings.
Add a couple of spoons of oil and fry the pieces of pork neck for a couple of minutes.
Step 8
Put the meat to the side a little and fry the onion with garlic for a couple of minutes.
Step 9
After mixing carrots, pepper and a couple of minutes of frying.
Step 10
Add tsukini.
Step 11
After throwing potatoes, pour a little more than 0.5 liters of water, salt (I have 1 tbsp.), Pepper and coriander.
All, bring to a boil, close the lid, small fire and for about 40 minutes we leave to prepare hot at home, until the softness of the meat.
Step 12
Open and check the meat and taste of the dish for softness. Add bay leaf and chopped greens.
Cook another 5 minutes and turn off. Let stand for 10-15 minutes, for mixing aromas.
The cooking time depends on the variety, freshness and the quality of your meat. After 40 minutes, pieces of pork neck were soft.
Step 13
Everything, our hot at home is ready. Fatal, fragrant, tasty!
Bon appetit!
Other hot recipes, see 👉🏻 HERE