Preparation: Step 1
Prepare all ingredients for the preparation of biscuit cakes.
The rectangular shape is 19 \ 27 cm. In this form, not a thick biscuit is obtained, which I don’t even cut, but simply impregnate and put the cream.
I get 14 small cakes. But if you take, for example, shape 20 \ 20, then the biscuit will be higher and it will already need to be cut along and glorify with cream. There will turn out cakes higher, but already 8.
The weight of each egg is 62-64 g.
Sugar 120 grams per biscuit, and 60 for impregnation
Oil 30 grams for a biscuit (melt!), And 180 — per cream (just should be soft).
We take butter 82% fat. We do not need any mixtures of fat.
Step 2
Drive chicken eggs into a bowl.
Step 3
Start whipping. After 5 minutes, add sugar (120 g) and beat for another 4-5 minutes. A couple of seconds before turning off, add melted oil and vanilla essence.
With oil, the biscuit turns out a little more dense. The taste is richer than without it.
Turn on the oven 180 degrees.
Step 4
Sift flour to beaten eggs and mix.
Mix from the edge to the middle, turning the bowl. Energetically, but not for long. In order not to kill all the bubbles that will raise the biscuit and make it gentle.
Step 5
Pour the dough into the shape. I always lay out the shape of baking paper.
If you are a novice cook and a biscuit is not particularly given to you, a detailed recipe can be read here👇🏻
Step 6
Bake in a preheated oven in advance at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes.
If the shape is smaller and the layer of dough, respectively, is more, then baking time increases.
Check baking on a dry stick. Also, if you slightly click on the surface, it will seem to be springed, that is, slowly returning to its place, and not remain a hole.
Remove from the oven and leave in the uniform for 5-10 minutes.
Step 7
During this time, prepare an impregnation for biscuit cakes.
Pour 60 grams of sugar into the mug, pour a spoonful of brandy and 100 grams of water. Bring to a boil and turn off. Stir until sugar dissolves. You can just pour sugar with brandy with hot, boiled water and mix.
Step 8
It is better to turn the biscuit. Since the top of the biscuit is dried, but the bottom is more porous and very good, it is simply instantly impregnated. That is what needs to be done — evenly impregnated with a flood.
It is quite possible not to turn anything over. Just pierce the top densely with saps or toothpicks and then evenly pour it.
Watch the master class «How to spend in the kitchen no more than 1 hour a day and at the same time it is good and useful to feed» 👉🏻 here
Step 9
Prepare a cream for biscuit cakes. Beat 180 grams of butter to lightness and fluffy. In time, I beat for 2-3 minutes.
Step 10
Without ceasing to beat, pour the condensed milk and a tablespoon of brandy. After a minute, the cream is ready.
If suddenly you are not enough sweetness — add a little sugar powder.
Step 11
Apply a thin layer of cream to the biscuit.
This will light up the top and the subsequent cream will hold well.
Step 12
Cut into cakes.
Step 13
If desired, some part of the cream can be mixed with dyes.
Place the cream in cornets (confectionery bags) with curly nozzles.
Step 14
Plant cream on cakes. Creams are not enough, so do not really skimp.
Step 15
And without dyes, the cake also looks pretty.
Step 16
That's it, now you know how to bake a biscuit cake.
Nice tea party!
Other cake recipes, see 👉🏻 HERE