Preparation: Step 1
Eclaire video receptor at home
Eclaire recipe at home With step -by -step photos
Prepare the necessary ingredients for the preparation of eclairs at home.
The French believe that the ideal eclair should be 14 cm long. Most often, different types of custard are used as a filling. But in the modern world, any cream to taste can be used to fill the eclairs. In my family, eclairs are loved with cream and boiled condensed cream. This cream is very delicate, super airy and light, compared to oil.
Step 2
Choose a saucepan or a pot with a thick bottom for cooking custard dough. Add butter, salt, sugar. I advise butter to use natural with a fat content of 82.5%. Oil can be of any temperature.
Step 3
Pour in cold water.
I recommend using filtered or bottled water. The tap water can give an unpleasant taste of finished pastries.
Step 4
Install dishes with ingredients for custard dough for moderate fire. Warm up, often stirring, before boiling and complete melting of butter.
Step 5
Remove from heat. Pour all the flour at once. Before using flour, sift through a small sieve.
Step 6
Mix everything intensively. As a result, a soft lump of dough should be obtained, which does not stick to the spoon and walls of the dishes.
Step 7
Return the dishes with a moderate fire test. We need to dry the dough and remove excess moisture. Often interfering, warm 1-2 minutes, until a white film is formed at the bottom of the dishes. This suggests that the dough is ready for further work.
Step 8
Steel the hot dough into a deep bowl. Separate it with a spoon so that it cooled faster to a warm state.
Step 9
Break eggs into a deep bowl. I have three large eggs weighing 192. Eggs to shake the eggs to the connection of yolks with proteins into a homogeneous mass.
The number of eggs can vary in one direction or another, depending on the consistency of the dough.
Step 10
Pour in a slightly egg mass to a warm test, about 1/3 of the part.
Step 11
Stir with a spatula. At first, the dough will be lumps, but as they mix, it will become homogeneous. At this step it is clear that the dough is quite thick.
Step 12
Pour a little more whipped eggs.
Step 13
What consistency should there be a good custard dough? The dough should slowly slide off the shoulder blades, forming such a tongue. Whipped eggs should be added a little to reach the desired consistency. If you overdo it with eggs, the dough will turn out liquid. In this case, it will not work to correct the error, and the dough will have to be thrown away. So be careful with the addition of eggs. I have gone all eggs weighing 192
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Step 14
For the junction and forming of eclairs, I will use a confectionery bag with a nozzle open star, with shallow teeth, a diameter of the output of about 10 mm. Fill the bag with dough, trying to make no air voids.
If there is no nozzle, you can take a dense bag and make a hole with a diameter of 10 mm.
Step 15
Prepare a baking sheet for baking eclairs at home.
Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper or a baking rug. There are special eclaire baking rugs with a stem for a stiring template so that the eclairs are perfectly even. I don't have such a rug. I will bake on a simple silicone rug.
Plant the dough 14 cm long. I got 12 whole tubes. Heat the oven in advance to 190 ° C. Send a baking sheet with eclairs to a hot oven for 35-40 minutes.
Step 16
Eccle, get out of the oven and cool. I baked 35 minutes at an average level in the top/bottom mode with convection.
For all the time of baking, I recommend not to open the oven so that the eclairs do not settle.
Step 17
Prepare an eclaire cream at home.
Pour 350 ml of cold cream into a clean dry, deep dish. Beat with a mixer to a slight thickening, starting at a low speed and gradually increasing to medium.
Step 18
Add a boiled condensed milk.
Step 19
Beat a mixer at an average speed to the consistency of the cream. The main thing is not to kill, so that oil does not work out of the cream.
Step 20
Fill a confectionery bag with a nozzle cream. I use an eclaire nozzle with a narrow tip.
Fill eclairs with cream. To do this, I make two punctures from one side and the second side on top or side with a wand for land. I put the cream in the hole.
If there is no nozzle, you can cut the eclair into two halves along the entire length and add the cream. Then connect the two halves into one.
Step 21
Prepare icing to decorate eclairs.
Put the chocolate into pieces and move into a deep heat -resistant bowl. Pour in 60 ml cream. Chocolate use black with cocoa content from 70 %.
Step 22
Melt in a microwave until a homogeneous consistency with small pulses of 10-15 seconds at a power of 800 watts. After each warming, mix well.
Step 23
Lubricate the upper part of the ecler with melted chocolate. I do it with a kitchen brush.
Step 24
At the request of the eclara can be decorated until the chocolate has frozen. I decorated with almond petals and air rice.
Step 25
This is how it turned out to be a master class on creating eclairs at home 🙂
Nice tea party!
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