Home First dishes The recipe for borscht is classic

The recipe for borscht is classic

by admin

Preparation: Step 1

  • Let's start with the preparation of meat and broth. It is advisable to take the beef on the bones. Before cooking, the meat should be washed with cold water. Next, put it in a pan, pour it about two and a half liters of cold water, close it with a lid and put on maximum fire.

    When the water boils, open the pan and remove the entire resulting foam. Reduce fire, salt and cook meat almost to readiness, about an hour. The time of course depends on the freshness of the meat and his «youth». So do not be surprised if suddenly your beef is cooked for two hours — it means that it is not as young as it was supposed.

  • Step 2

    Clean and cut one onions and one carrot (80 grams). To get a more saturated taste of broth onions and carrots slightly fry in a pan. To do this, heat it (pan), add about a teaspoon of vegetable oil (literally only lubricate) and quickly, fry the vegetables for a couple of minutes on high heat.

    These fried vegetables, as well as a stalk of celery, a small bunch of parsley (optional), bay leaf and peppers will go to our meat.

  • Step 3

    Add all of the above to our meat broth, bring it to a boil, reduce the fire and cook until the meat is completely ready, about half an hour. When the meat is cooked and becomes completely soft (the stuck fork enters freely), it should be removed, strain the broth, and the vegetables can be thrown away — they have already given all the good.

  • Step 4

    Fresh beets for borsch are taken. It must be cleaned (thinly cut the skin) and cut into a small cube, about a centimeter in size.

    If you do everything according to the rules, then if you start cutting one vegetable with a cube, then all the others must be cut into a cube. If you begin to cut into strips, then everything should be cut into strips.

    The beets for borsch are taken precisely raw, such is the rule. But, as we know, the rules are often violated, bringing minimal or at all there is no damage to the taste of the dish. Therefore, if you do not have time at all, but you want to do everything quickly, you can take boiled beets already (in the store, at the bazaar, wilted far in advance) and add it at the end of cooking, lowering the item written below.

  • Step 5

    Heat the pan, pour a little (literally a teaspoon) of vegetable oil, lay out our beets and fry it for a couple of minutes. Next, pour 200 broths grams (if it is already ready) or water, bring to a boil, cover with a lid, make a minimum fire and extinguish the beets until cooked. In the process, sometimes stir it. If you see that the liquid after a while, closer to the end, evaporated, then add a little.

    Peel the carrots and cut into a small cube (approximately 0.7 cm). Heat the pan, pour a spoonful of oil there and fry it for 2-3 minutes.

    My beets stewed until readily 25 minutes. If you calmly pierce a piece of beetroot with a fork, it is ready. At the end, add a spoonful of sugar (with a hill), tomato paste, fried carrots, stir, put out all together for another 5 minutes and turn off.

  • Step 6

    It is better to take cabbage fresh — both cooking time is small, and an order of magnitude tastier.

    Pour a gram of 200 broth, it will need it a little later.
    We take the remaining strained broth, add chopped cabbage, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

  • Step 7

    Next, we do everything quickly. Heat the pan, reduce the fire, add and melt the butter and pour flour (teaspoon with a slide). Mix quickly and intensively. We begin to pour the prepared hot broth with a thin stream, while we do not stop mixing everything intensively. As a result, a thick flour mixture should be obtained without any lumps. If it doesn’t work out (and this is not as simple as it seems) — miss, cross the mixture through a sieve.

  • Step 8

    We add beets with carrots to our cabbage, pour a spoonful of vinegar and flour mixture, mix everything well and adjust the taste and density — if you want, add water, salt, sugar, pepper. Close the lid, bring to a boil and cook for another 5-10 minutes.

  • Step 9

    It is not necessary to add garlic at all, but for my family without it is directly and not borsch. It needs to be cleaned, passed through the press (or very finely chopped) and add to the pan at the very end along with the crushed parsley. Close the lid, turn off the fire and let it brew for about 10 minutes.

  • Step 10

    Everything, our fragrant borsch according to the classic recipe is ready! Serve with sour cream, adding pieces of meat to each plate. It is quite possible for yourself to cut this meat and add 5 minutes until readiness and boil with borsch. Enjoy your appetite!

Preparation: Step 1

Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10


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