Preparation: Step 1
Prepare ingredients for meatballs in creamy sauce.
I take the meat and after scroll it with fried vegetables.
The egg is small, a little more than 50 grams. If you yourself twist quality meat, then the egg in the recipe is not necessary at all. I have it in the mood 🙂
I have parsley and green onions of greenery.
The fat content of cream is not important. It is possible from 10% to 36%. Accordingly, get less or more creamy taste.
Step 2
Cut and fry in 10 grams of ghee onion and carrots. First 2 minutes onions, and then add carrots for another 2-3 minutes. Then let the vegetables cool slightly.
I cut the onion with feathers, and the carrots of the trial with small strips. All the same, we will twist these vegetables, so we will not complicate with the cut.
Step 3
Twist the beef. Then twist the minced meat again, already with onions and carrots.
It is the beef that I like to twice twice. Lenten, slightly sinewy beef after double scrolling becomes a rather delicate consistency. The meatballs will turn out to be pleasantly soft.
Step 4
Add chicken eggs, crackers, grams of 50-70 broth to the minced meat, a pinch or two of dry garlic and salt with a mixture of peppers.
Salt I put about 1 teaspoon, a little with a slide. About 6 grams. But everything is already individual. Dry garlic can be replaced by a fresh clip.
Step 5
Mix everything well.
Step 6
Put the oven to heat up to 180 degrees.
Using wet hands, form small meatballs and put them in a baking dish. Fictions with an approximate weight of 50 grams. Pour 50 water into the gram shape.
Put in a preheated oven for 20 minutes. Of course, they can also be fried in a pan, but I prefer the oven.
Watch the master class «How to spend in the kitchen no more than 1 hour a day and at the same time it is good and useful to feed» 👉🏻 here
Step 7
Meanwhile, make a cream sauce.
Melt 20 grams of oil and pour flour. Stir it right there — brew.
Step 8
Pour the remaining broth (about 180-200 grams) and mix well.
Step 9
Add cream, a little salt, pepper, a pinch of dry garlic and bring to a boil.
That's it, the sauce is ready.
Step 10
Remove the meatballs from the oven.
I do not like to pour cream in the shape of a cream, but I prefer to shift the meatballs to the sauce in the pan.
A curled protein will come out of the meatballs in any way, forming a sediment at the bottom of the form. Therefore, it is better to shift clean meatballs to the sauce.
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Step 11
Transfer a meatballs in a pan.
If the pan of small diameter, then they will almost completely cover the sauce. I have a diameter of 26 cm and my meatballs in it are only half.
Step 12
Put it into meatballs in a creamy sauce under the lid for another 7 minutes. At the end, add chopped greens.
Step 13
The meatballs in the creamy sauce in the oven are ready.
Anyone is beautiful! We prefer potato puree or rice. But buckwheat and pasta are also beautiful here.
Enjoy to everyone appetite!
Other recipes of meat make -up articles, see 👉🏻 HERE