Home Second courses Stollen for the New Year

Stollen for the New Year

by admin

Preparation: Step 1

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    Stollen Recipe for New Year with step -by -step photos

    Prepare all the ingredients for Stollen for the New Year.

    Patterns and eggs should be at room temperature. It is very important to use the butter of the best quality. The creamy taste of the future Stollen and the correct texture depends on it.

    Turn on the oven to warm up 170 degrees.

    Dry fruits for stollen must be prepared in 1-2 days.

  • Step 2

    Rinse the dried fruits well, slightly dry, put in a jar and pour cognac or rum. Close the jar with a lid, shake and leave in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. Before use, drain cognac from dried fruits and then follow the recipe.

    Very important! We do not use cognac or rum from dried fruits further. Just pour. Modern dried fruits are often prone to processing chemicals that will pull cognac into themselves.

    You can change dried fruits at your taste and discretion. They may have different proportions and a variety. You need to focus only on their volume in the recipe. If you use large dried fruits, such as dried apricots, then it will need to be cut into small pieces.

  • Step 3

    Add 250 g of butter at room temperature, vanilla and ordinary sugar to the mixer bowl.

  • Step 4

    Beat oil with sugar with a mixer. It should turn out a magnificent mass.

  • Step 5

    Add cottage cheese and eggs to sugar. Cottage cheese should be pasty. Such cottage cheese is often sold in briquettes. If you use ordinary granular cottage cheese, then it must first be wiped through a sieve or punch it with a blender until a homogeneous state. The fat content of cottage cheese is not significant, but the higher the percentage of fat content, the more creamy cottage cheese taste.

  • Step 6

    Beat everything well until a homogeneous magnificent state.

  • Step 7

    Add dried fruits prepared in advance, dough baking powder and zest of one lemon. Mix everything well with silicone or wooden spatula.

  • Step 8

    Add flour to the bowl. If necessary, it must be sifted in advance in order to exclude garbage or lumps in the dough.

  • Step 9

    Knead with your hands a soft dough.

  • Step 10

    Divide the dough into two equal parts and put one of them on a silicone rug. With your hands, form an oval from the dough.

  • Step 11

    Divide the oval from the dough into 3 parts and turn one part outward.

  • Step 12

    Cover the dough remaining for the most part, thereby forming Stollen. The same is done with the second part of the test.

  • Step 13

    Put New Year's Stollenes on a baking sheet covered with a parchment sheet. Put a baking sheet in the middle of the oven preheated to 170 degrees and bake the crap for 50-55 minutes. Relevant to check with a wooden toothpick. It should leave the middle of the Stollen Sukhoi.

    If your Stollenes began to fried, but the middle is not ready yet, just cover the top of the straps with foil and continue to bake further.

  • Step 14

    Remove the baking sheet with ready -made stalls from the oven and slightly allow to cool.

  • Step 15

    Melt the remaining butter.

  • Step 16

    Cover Stollenes with butter using a culinary brush.

  • Step 17

    It is good to sprinkle straps with powdered sugar. It should cover the entire surface of Stollen.

  • Step 18

    When the straps are completely cooled at room temperature, they will need to be prepared for further storage. Firmly wrap the cooled Stollenes in foil. It is better if there are 2 layers of foil. Remove the Stollenes in a cool place for at least 1 week, and preferably for 2-3 weeks for their “maturation”.

    Remember, the straps before the package should be well cooled so that condensation does not form in the inner surface of the foil.

    After 2 weeks, Stollenes will be ready. Of course, they can be eaten earlier, and even at once. But believe me, the “maturation” of Stollenes gives them a special aroma and texture.

  • Step 19

    Stollenes for the New Year are ready. Bon appetit!

Preparation: Step 1

Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Step 13
Step 14
Step 15
Step 16
Step 17
Step 18
Step 19


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