Home Salads Crispy eggplant

Crispy eggplant

by admin

Hi all.

Today we will prepare a very tasty Asian style salad. Crispy eggplants are a well -known story, and if you add tomatoes, garlic to them to them, and season you with a delicious sauce, then you’ll put your mind in general.

The salad is simple, but there are a couple of nuances. Firstly, tomatoes should be really sweet. If not, it is better to take cherry or add a little sugar to the sauce. Secondly, eggplant must be cleaned and cut not very large slices (literally 1.5 cm in the side) — so they will simultaneously become crispy and reach ready.

As for the gas station, it can be made on the basis of lime juice, sesame oil and sweet chili, as Konstantin Ivlev offers, or on the basis of sweet teriyaki and soy sauce (our version).

In any case, it will turn out a very tasty, original and bright salad.

Crispy eggplant

Product set:

Crispy eggplant

  • Eggplant, 1-2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes, 2 pcs.
  • Feta or similar cheese, 100 gr.
  • Corn starch, 100 gr.
  • Soy sauce, 30 ml.
  • Sweet Teriyaki or Chile, 30 gr.
  • Garlic, 1-2 teeth
  • Kisinza, a bunch
  • Freedom vegetable oil

Peel the eggplants, cut into small cubes, tomatoes with slices, chop finely.

Crispy eggplant

We mix the teriyaks, soy sauce and cilantro in a bowl, squeeze the garlic, add a couple of spoons of sesame oil (if any), sugar (if the tomatoes are not sweet enough), mix, set aside.

Crispy eggplant

Slightly spray the eggplant with vegetable oil and carefully panic in starch.

Crispy eggplant

We heat a sufficient amount of vegetable oil, fry the eggplant to golden color (about 2.5 minutes) and put it on a napkin so that the glass is oil.

Crispy eggplant

In a deep bowl we put tomatoes and sliced ​​cheese. Pour the gas station, mix.

Crispy eggplant

Add eggplant immediately before serving so that they do not get wet, mix and serve.

Crispy eggplant

Bon appetit!


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