Good afternoon
I love soups. I think that lunch is not a lunch without a plate of fragrant, tasty, hot borsch or a breeze or brine, kharcho, etc.
Today I will share the recipe for super -illegal soup.
We will need:
- Smoked pork ribs
- Peas
- Bacon
- Onion
- Carrot
- Potato
- Mustard
- Garlic
- Salt and spices to taste.
We usually take peas green — it does not need to be soaked. But if you buy yellow, then it first needs to be poured with water in three hours so that it softens.
Rybrys in this case used these. Cheap and angry, as they say))
First we make the broth. We take a pan, pour 2-2.5 liters of cold water, put ribs there and cook for an hour. Since we have the ribs — a finished product sprinkled with pepper and other spices, all this quickly fell off the meat and surfaced to the surface, from where it was ruthlessly removed with a slotted spoon.
Now we pull out our meat and put it to the side. We filter the broth and fall asleep into it with peas. Cook for half an hour.
Along the way, clean potatoes and cut into cubes:
Add to peas and cook for 20 minutes.
At this time, finely chop the onion and rub carrots on a large grater:
We dump everything into the pan, pour a little oil and fry over high heat until a light frying appears at the onion:
Add onions with carrots to the soup and wait 5 minutes. After this time, we return to the soup delayed ribs, salt, pepper and put a tablespoon of mustard. Cook for another 5 minutes.
While our brew gurgles, exuding a stunning aroma throughout the house, cut into small pieces of bacon and garlic, chop the greens and put for 2-3 minutes in a boiling soup.
Turn off the plate and let it brew for half an hour.
You can eat. Bon appetit!