Hi all.
Today we will prepare borsch again. This time he will be without potatoes, but with beans and prunes.
It will turn out interesting, rich, tasty, and most importantly, relatively quickly.
Product set:
Pour the meat with a liter of cold water, bring to a boil, remove the noise, suck (you can put a couple of broth cubes), cook until cooked, remove, cut into slices, return to the pan.
The chefmarket brought to us the grabbed beef (oil/salt/pepper), so in our case everything took about fifteen minutes. If you have, for example, fresh brisket, then cook forty minutes, if hard parts, then, of course, longer.
We clean it, put it in a bag, bake in a microwave for 10 minutes, cut into strips. We cut the onion in half rings, rub the carrots on a large grater, cut the cabbage thinly, prunes and celery slices, finely chop the stalks of dill.
Fry onion, carrots, celery, caraway cums and dill stalks for three minutes.
Add beets, stew, stirring, minute …
… Put prunes, tomato paste, pour the barrelima of the broth from the pan with meat, salt, pepper, sweeten to taste, cook for five minutes, periodically stirring.
We load everything into the broth, add the beans, cabbage, cook until the last (12-20 minutes).
We let it brew for about fifteen minutes and serve with sour cream and twigs of dill.
Bon appetit!