Home First dishes Cold beetroot on kefir: Classic recipe

Cold beetroot on kefir: Classic recipe

by admin

Preparation: Step 1

  • Prepare the ingredients for a classic recipe for a cold beetroot on kefir.

    I buy beets already boiled and cleaned, it remains only to grate. Or I use home, canned beetroot. Eggs must be boiled boiled.

    So that the beetroot is not particularly thick, milk is added. In addition, it will give our soup a slightly more delicate taste. Of course, you can take only kefir by adding to the main amount of 200 grams (milk weight).

    Lemon juice can also be excluded for lack of or reluctance. But I strongly recommend not ignoring sugar, because it, paired with salt, will give the brightness to our dish. But here, again, it all depends on taste and desire.

    Dill can be taken not only fresh, but also ice cream. But dry here is not at all suitable.

  • Step 2

    Rinse the feathers of green onions and chop finely. We take dill only with delicate stalks, it also needs to be grinded.

  • Step 3

    Further, not mandatory, but desirable step. Sprinkle chopped green onions about half a teaspoon of salt and grind with a fork, spoon or just fingers. In the process, a little juice will be released, and our onion will instantly bring his touch of taste to the cold beetroot. If you rush to do everything quickly, then this step can be missed.

  • Step 4

    Grate beets. I am always her work directly to the pan, in which our cold beetroot on kefir will be mixed up according to a classic recipe.

  • Step 5

    To beets, in the same pan, grate the washed cucumbers. If you are used to the cucumbers thinly removed the skin, then do so. If these are homemade cucumbers, or you do not see the point in this, then do not cut anything.

  • Step 6

    Next, add dick onion and chopped dill there.

  • Step 7

    Clean and cut into a cube two boiled eggs. One I always leave for the decoration of the cold beetroot when serving. If you grind with a special gadget — nets, as in the photo, then again you do not need to get dirty with either the boards or additional plates — everything is straight to the pan.

  • Step 8

    Add chopped chicken eggs.

  • Step 9

    Pour kefir, milk, lemon juice into the pan to vegetables, pour sugar, about 1 teaspoon of salt and stir everything well. As you know, everyone has different tastes, therefore, you may need less or more seasonings.

  • Step 10

    Give a cold beetroot to brew a little, at least 10 minutes. After that, try it again for salt, sugar, acid. Add if desired. The soup is quite thick, so it should be. Store in the refrigerator, up to two days. By the way, the next day it becomes even tastier and more saturated.

    The beetroot is cold on kefir according to the classic recipe is ready. When serving, decorate the eggs with circles. Well, it is customary to serve boiled potatoes to it. Enjoy to everyone appetite!

Preparation: Step 1

Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10


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